Get Certified

Step 1. Start the OVerus Certification Process

Copy n' paste these fields into an email and send to

1. Company?
2. Brand(s)?
3. Contact Name?
4. Phone?
5. Email?
6. Estimate the total number of products and services that you plan to certify?
7. How many employees are in your company?
8. How did you hear about OVerus?


Steps to Certification

  1. Fill out the form under the Start the OVerus Certification Process" heading on our Get Certified page.
  2. An Account Executive (AE) will be assigned to help you. The AE will be your designated point of contact at The OVerus Organization. They will be available to answer your questions, address your needs, and guide you through the certification process. They will contact you within five (5) business days of your submission.
  3. Complete and submit the OVerus application. Your AE will provide you with this form.
  4. Documentation review. Your application and inspection report will be reviewed by your Account Executive who will advise you whether or not OVerus can grant certification. In some instances adjustments may be required for certification to be awarded.
  5. Legal contract. The Account Executive will present a legal contract which specifies the certification agreement. If acceptable to you, the contract is signed, and a letter of certification is sent to you.
  6. Final approval. You may then sticker or affix the OVerus emblem to your products and submit your labels for final review.
  7. CONGRATULATIONS! You have now joined a family of companies which proudly carry the OVerus Emblem.